Locations: Los Angeles | Torrance | Newport Beach | San Juan Capistrano
COVID-19 Response
At Performance Vision Therapy, we maintain your health and safety as our highest priority. To ensure your safety and that you are receiving the highest level of care, we have enacted several policies to not just reduce your contact with other patients, but completely eliminate it.
Our most impactful policy is that we have limited the number of patients in the office at a time. While we have the capacity and space to have several patients in the therapy room at once, we have limited it to only two at a time with their therapists. We have created a second therapy room to allow for more sessions to be added to our schedule without requiring more than two patients in the room as well. We believe that in order for our exams and therapy to be the most effective, our patients must be comfortable and during these stressful and difficult times, we are honored to provide true one-on-one and personalized service.
For more information and peace of mind, please see our policies below.

COVID Response & Procedures

As during regular and non-COVID times, all equipment and objects that the patient, doctor, or patient's guest comes in contact with will be thoroughly sanitized between each exam and/or therapy session.
Temperatures will be taken of each patient and patient's guest entering the office and the scheduled appointment will be canceled should anyone's temperature be greater than 100 degrees with no cancelation fee.
The doctor and present staff will wear all appropriate PPE during the entire time that the office is open.
Patients and patient's guests will be requested to wear masks as well.
Your health and safety are our highest priorities and we will happily reschedule your appointment at any point with no cancelation fee should any of the following apply to you...
Fever >100 degrees, cough, trouble breathing
Cold and/or flu symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, body aches
Body rash with fever
Traveled outside the country
Positive for COVID 19 without a following negative test
Been in contact with a person who contracted COVID 19
All Performance Vision Therapy staff will abide by the same standards and will not enter the office should any of the above concerns apply to them.