Seeing Double: The Hidden Link Between Anxiety and Vision

Dr. Kalie McCartin
Developmental and Neuro-Optometrist
Owner, Visual Processing Institute
Double vision can be a distressing symptom that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. While many people may attribute double vision to anxiety, the truth is that in over 30% of cases, it's actually caused by an underlying visual issue known as binocular vision dysfunction.

The Misdiagnosis of Double Vision
It's not uncommon for patients experiencing double vision to be told by their doctors that their symptoms are simply due to anxiety. This misdiagnosis can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration, as patients may struggle to manage their symptoms without addressing the root cause. Many primary care doctors are still unaware of how common Binocular Vision Dysfunction is. Binocular Vision Dysfunction is present in over 30% of the general population and 90% of people who have experienced any kind of brain injury such as a concussion, whiplash, surgery, or other brain injuries. Unaware of how common Binocular Vision Dysfunction is, doctors will misdiagnose the patient with anxiety in and of itself which is then state that the double vision is from the anxiety instead of causing the anxiety.
The Role of Binocular Vision Dysfunction
Binocular vision dysfunction occurs when the eyes don't work together properly, leading to a variety of visual problems, including double vision, blurred vision, and difficulty focusing. When these visual disturbances occur, it's natural for individuals to experience anxiety and stress.

The Anxiety-Vision Cycle
The relationship between anxiety and vision can be a vicious cycle. Anxiety can exacerbate visual symptoms, making it more difficult to focus and concentrate. In turn, these visual difficulties can trigger further anxiety, creating a self-perpetuating loop.
We have countless patients who come to our office being told by their doctor that they have anxiety issues that cause the vision problems but they state that they don't have anything in their life that gives them anxiety but instead become anxious when they get the double vision and experience the vision abnormalities.
It is a completely normal response to get anxious and then stressed if you experience double vision. The sad problem that many people face is that their doctor then writes off their double vision and I have had multiple patients actually report that their doctor has told them they need to just "calm down"

The Importance of Accurate Diagnosis
It's crucial for doctors to recognize the link between binocular vision dysfunction and double vision. By accurately diagnosing the underlying cause, patients can receive appropriate treatment and experience significant relief from their symptoms.
Treatment for Binocular Vision Dysfunction
Treatment for binocular vision dysfunction may involve a combination of the following:
Vision Therapy: The gold standard for the treatment of Binocular Vision Dysfunction and can treat and often CURE the deficiency removing the double vision completely. Specialized exercises designed to improve eye coordination and visual function.
Lifestyle Modifications: Adjustments to lighting, screen time, and other environmental factors can help alleviate symptoms.

Double vision can be a frustrating and distressing symptom. However, by understanding the role of binocular vision dysfunction and seeking appropriate treatment, individuals can find relief and improve their overall quality of life. It's important for healthcare providers to be aware of this condition and to accurately diagnose patients who are experiencing double vision.
Keywords: double vision, binocular vision dysfunction, anxiety, vision therapy, eye health, visual problems, eye strain, eyeglass prescription, vision care